I Need your Real, your Raw, your Broken. (A Poem)

I’m sick of the fake

I’m done with the phony

This world is too small

I can no longer dwell in the shallow,

I’m done watering myself down

Done trying to be less

Or pretending to be more

Being a reflection of others

Instead of being me,

That shell has cracked open

My mask is off

The veil has been lifted

My eyes are all the way open,

Show me your broken

your real, your raw

Reveal your excitement,

your exhilaration,

Your bursting at the seems,

Bare your soul to me

and I’ll slowly show you mine

Let me see your darkness

I’ll fill it with my light,

Do not cage me

Roam with me instead

Meet me in the wild

Together we’ll soar into the heavens

And light fire to sky,

My heart is all yours

If You Just be you

And let me be me

This Love will set us both free

5 thoughts on “I Need your Real, your Raw, your Broken. (A Poem)

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